Alberto Gastaldo, Energia Positiva
By inviting people to invest in and share renewable energy facilities, Energia Positiva ultimately lowers household costs and facilitates earning income from selling clean electricity.
Some 26% of the total building stock in Italy is classified as low quality, a factor that leaves many families struggling to keep up with energy bills. This is particularly true when temperatures soar in the summer and turning on the air-conditioner drives up consumption.
Recognising that the country has abundant renewable resources—sun, wind and hydro—Energía Positiva has created a mechanism by which individuals can invest in small- and medium-scale energy production facilities, becoming producers or ‘prosumers’ rather than just consumers.
Energía Positiva manages the technical side of running solar photovoltaics (PV), wind turbines or small hydro-electric solutions, from which investors draw power. In parallel, they help people learn how to better manage their consumption.
Empowering people to invest in the energy sector and changing their mindsets about daily energy behaviour delivers additional societal and environmental benefits. Energia Positiva is building a growing network of people who directly contribute to the transition towards renewables in Italy.
Alberto Gastaldo, CEO of Energía Positiva, is one of five winners among 15 finalists in the Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty Initiative launched by the Schneider Electric Foundation, the Ashoka Foundation, and Enel Group. Check out his video interview to learn more.